
Posts Tagged ‘enjoy’

Reflections for 2016 and Words for 2017

December 15, 2016 Leave a comment

reflectionmountainIt’s that time of year where you reflect on the year that is ending. And make some resolutions and plans for 2017. This is a different type of post for me.  This is a personal journey post which hopefully allows people get to know me better.

2016 was a year in transition for me.  I had a job change which is never easy but something I looked to be a great opportunity for me.  I enjoyed my run at Evisions, a software company in Orange County, CA, but it was time for a change.  I miss the great people there but still stay in touch with them.

I had 2 great vacations with my wife, Barb, to places that I have never been before (Olympic Peninsula in Washington and Florida Keys).  Great times and have fond memories from those trips to the far corners of our great country.  Beautiful areas and highly recommend go to these areas sometime in their lives.

I also started blogging again in 2016 and am really proud that I accomplished my personal goal of a blog post everyday in the month of July.  I wrote 53 blog posts during 2017 which averages to 1 a week which was not a goal but an accomplishment that I feel good about.  I became a better writer and blogger during this period starting in July.    Writing is a big part of being a marketing person.  I am also very proud that I learned the HubSpot Marketing Automation solution and became Inbound certified.

Here are a few things that I will keep in mind for 2017:

  • Continue to help others when I can with my time, knowledge and money.  I need to continue my networking with my friends and connections.
  • Understand that change is inevitable.  I embrace change.  I am prepared for change.
  • Challenge myself more especially in the area of weight reduction.  It is important to listen to my mind and body, especially during stressful periods.
  • Do a better job of understanding what triggers my thoughts, whether positive or negative, and handling the negative triggers better.
  • Enjoy my 2 planned vacations to places to I have not been to before.
  • Continue to learn and always be reading.  And I want to gain additional Inbound certifications.  Here is my blog post on learning and reading: You are What You Read – Always be Learning
  • Remember to focus on my personal marketing as mentioned in my blog post: Do Your Personal Marketing Plan
  • Better follow a success philosophy as mentioned in my blog post: John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success – Try It!
  • Remind myself that I am a lucky and fortunate person and continue living life with that in mind.  Here is a post that I need to review often: Lessons About Life, Enterprise, from Baking Christmas Cookies

The beginning of a new year is always exciting. You can start new. You are hopeful for a great upcoming year. You are optimistic. It is a time to reflect and plan for the future.

I decided to keep up with the idea of 3 words for 2017.  The 3 words idea came to me when I read What Matters Now, a series of short essays each on a different word, written by some of the best minds around a few years back.  It’s a free eBook conceived by Seth Godin and edited by Ishita Gupta. It still applies today. Chris Brogan has encouraged others to select their 3 words for the year.

My 3 words for 2017 are Enjoy, Learn and Positive.

ENJOY – I need to enjoy my vacations and spending time with family, friends and connections.
LEARN – I need to keep learning and obtain additional certifications.
POSITIVE – I am basically a positive, happy person.  I need to go with the flow and stay positive with no complaining.

I will try to keep these 3 words in mind throughout the year. I have done the 3 words a few years in the past including:

I had a great 2016.  I’m looking forward to an even better 2017.  Happy holidays.  What are your three words for 2017?  I would love to hear from you.